Sunday, February 26, 2012


For Kel Adon I usually use medium-fast tunes, not slow tunes. It's just a personal preference of mine. I feel like kel adon is the first thing people in the shul are singing since they woke up on shabbos morning so I have found that they're not usually in the slow song mood; unless of course you're in a shul where people are in that type of mood by about 9:00 am (such as aish kodesh in Woodmere). That being said you can use just about any tune for kel adon but here are some that I have previously used:
1. Shiru Lamelech (Always a great tune but I haven't used it in a while because it's overused nowadays.) MBD shiru lamelech
2. Shalom aleichem (the popular tune. I love using it)
3. Any fast carlebach tune such as od yeshoma (carlebach od yishoma), meheira hashem elokeinu, ata takum, yachad yachad (carlebach yachad (at about 1:50)), l'shana haba'a, shomrim hafkeid l'ircha (carlebach shomrim), etc...
4. Ashira L'hashem (I first heard this tune on MBD's kumzits CD. I don't know who originally wrote it: MBD ashira l'hashem)
5. k'chu imachem d'varim (Rabbi Brazil from Far Rockaway: Brazil kchu)
6. Puppa chassidishe keil adon (ahavas kedumim keil adon). I've never used this because noone knows it but if I ever daven for the amud in a chassidishe shul I'll try this one.
7. Eitan Katz's  Shabbos Kodesh.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you Yosef! I am what people would call a 'rising baal tefillah' - I'm younger but have been asked to daven at my minyan once about every few weeks for the last few months or so. What tunes do you use for kedusha? I honestly don't know the names of the tunes I use for shacharis - for the first two stanzas I use a 'non-song' tune I learned from a friend of mine and for the third long stanza I use a tune which I am not sure of the name. For Mussof though I use 'Sharm el Shiek' (also used for 'Adon Olam' in many sleep-away camps (where I came across it) which generally goes over very well. For the third stanza of Mussof kedusha I use a 'non-song' tune and for the fourth (Shema Yisrael) I use 'Mimini Michael, Mismoli Gavriel' which also tends to go over well. Though the tunes are slow my not singing the third stanza I believe, shortens the general length of kedusha.
